Supports e-books in EPUB, FictionBook (fb2, fbz,, TXT, RTF, PDF, DJVU, CHM, Comic Book (cbr, cbz) and Audio Book (mp3, m4a, m4b) formats.
Has wide opportunities in searching and downloading e-books from different sources.
Provides access to enormous collection of free electronic books through OPDS-catalogs support.
Downloads e-books directly from network folders in local network via MS Windows/SMB protocol and with the help of Web Browser (Mobile Safari), e-mail or iTunes.
Saves your books into cloud storages and network folders.
Integrated with Google Books, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and Yandex Disc.
Allows flexible setting of text displaying: font selection, colour theme, text size, text alignment mode, line height, margins, paragraph indention and hyphenations.
Allows choosing book covers from different sources, changing titles and subjects.
Provides easy navigation inside the book using table of content, bookmarks or notes.
Helps organizing your books on shelves, cataloging them under subjects and sorting in different modes.
Has full-screen reading mode in landscape and portrait orientation.
Allows turning and scrolling pages in vertical or horizontal mode.
Allows locking orientation and changing screen brightness.
Supports dictionaries, translation of selected text and text-to-speech.
Integrated with social networking services (Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte)